Keeper of World Art for The Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove (UK). Where she is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier HM.
Curator of World Art, Royal Pavilion & Museum. Where she is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier RHH.
I am Curator of World Art at the Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust (RPMT), Brighton. My role on this project is to provide access to the Botswana collection housed at RPMT, and to source and capture new collections knowledge provided by project partners and participants with Southern African heritage. I have undertaken a research trip to Botswana and worked with the staff at the Khama III Memorial museum to prepare for the loan, carry out research and conduct filmed interviews. I have recently finished working on ‘Fashioning Africa’ a post-colonial contemporary collecting project. Before joining RPMT I devised and managed the UNIQUES project to uncover under-researched ethnographic collections in five museums in the South East of England.
Researcher for The Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove (UK). Where he is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier TS.
Project Curator, Royal Pavilion & Museums. Where she is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier KL.
Chief Curator & Head of Ethnology Division/Botswana National Museum. Where she is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier WT.
Gase works as the assistant curator at the Khama III Memorial Museum, Serowe. Where she is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier GK.
Napandulwe is an advisor to the MAC project working on the Northern Namibian and Angolan collections held at the Powell-Cotton Museum. Where she is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier NSh.
Erasmus is a research assistant and film maker working on the Northern Namibian and Angolan material held in the Powell-Cotton Museum. Where he is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier ES.
Reem Alhilou is a consultant to the MAC project, advising us about the Sudanese objects in the collection of the Royal Engineers Museum. She also played a crucial role in organising and facilitiating the research trip to Sudan. Where she is referred to or has substantially contributed to entries on this archive you will see the identifier RA.