




The Powell-Cotton sisters stayed in his village from the 19th to the 22nd of April 1936 and visited again in 1937, arriving on the 25th of May. They described him as 'old' and said he had three wives. While staying with him they collected many objects and much information. When objects are known to have been bought from him, collected with his assistance or while staying in his village they will be linked to this record. In this way we hope to begin to build up a picture of his role in the creation of the collection.
(NSty 08/10/2019)
He is half brother to Tchiliwandele whom he introduced the sisters too.

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Title Alternate label Class
Tchiliwandele Agent
Title Alternate label Class
neck ornament Physical Object
Title Alternate label Class
Locating Kanguli and Tchiliwandele Physical Object
Kanguli related objects at the British Museum
Biambia Agent
Title Alternate label Class
armlet; ornament Physical Object
bracelet Physical Object
doll; toy Physical Object
doll; toy Physical Object
doll; toy Physical Object
forehead-ornament; head-band Physical Object
hair-pin Physical Object
hair-pin Physical Object
necklace Physical Object
necklet Physical Object
plait Physical Object
sheath Physical Object
snuff-box Physical Object
snuff-box Physical Object
snuff-box Physical Object
snuff-box Physical Object
snuff-box Physical Object
Title Alternate label Class
Kanguli chief (full face) Physical Object
Kanguli chief (side face) Physical Object